
【マルケブ】 MaruKebu Online Shop(以下当ショップ)は、GMOペパボ株式会社(以下サービス提供会社)の提供するショッピングカートASPサービス カラーミーショップ(当サービス)を利用して当ショップを開設するにあたりGMOペパボ株式会社の定めたプライバシー・ポリシーに則った個人情報の取扱いを行います。


"Personal information" is the information about an individual to survive, the name contained in the information, as it can identify a specific individual by the description date of birth or other, and easy reference to other information it refers to those so that it can be can be, to identify a specific individual thereby.



There will be collected the personal information of the visitor in the case of purchase of the product, contact us in our store.
Clear writing, it depends on the lawful and fair means the purpose and Employees shall collect.

Personal information to be collected in our store are as follows.

a) your name, phonetic
b) your address
c) Contact phone number
d) e-mail address
e) password
f) shipping information
and its contents dealings history with g) this shop
information that can identify a specific individual by combining h) above
# Please fill in all fields to be used in the shop





Purpose of use of personal information you have entrusted to us by our customers is as follows: in our store.

confirmation of a) an order, inquiry
confirmation of b) shipment, query
When replying c) Contact Us

In our store, I will not be disclosed and provide personal information to third parties without notice of customers with the exception of the following.

may be based on a) laws and regulations, If you need to cooperate with and the person who received the commission or local government or agency in the country to carry out the affairs prescribed by law
life b) a person, in a case where there is a need for the protection of health or property, if it is to obtain the consent of the person it is difficult
If you want to exchange personal data with affiliates of the company that operates the c) this shop

# To match the use of the shop like, please fill in detail specifically
# In addition, you will be prohibited from sale of personal information.

Safety management of personal information kept by customers as well as take rational, organizational, physical, human and technical measures by the service provider company, individual by making the appropriate handling conforming to relevant laws and regulations in our shop We will strive unauthorized intrusion into the data, loss of personal information, falsification, to prevent danger of or leakage.

Please inform me from contact below correction and deletion of personal information that is entrusted to us by our customers.
In addition, if it is registered user, you can correct the personal information menu on this site than the "My Account".
当社は、お客様によりよいサービスを提供するため、cookie (クッキー)を使用することがありますが、これにより個人を特定できる情報の収集を行えるものではなく、お客様のプライバシーを侵害することはございません。
また、cookie (クッキー)の受け入れを希望されない場合は、ブラウザの設定で変更することができます。
※cookie (クッキー)とは、サーバーコンピュータからお客様のブラウザに送信され、お客様が使用しているコンピュータのハードディスクに蓄積される情報です。

The Company, in order to provide a better service to our customers, you may want to use a cookie (cookies), but it is not intended to be carried out the collection of personally identifiable information by this, be a violation of your privacy is not.
Also, if you do not wish to accept the cookie (cookies), you can change your browser settings.
※ cookie and (cookies), to the information that is stored in the hard disk of the computer that is sent to your browser from a server computer, the customer is using.
個人情報の入力時には、セキュリティ確保のため、これらの情報が傍受、妨害または改ざんされることを防ぐ目的でSSL(Secure Sockets Layer)技術を使用しております。

When entering personal information, for security, information of these intercept, we use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology for the purpose of preventing it to be interference or tampering.
※ By encrypting the information, SSL is is the ability to tamper-proof transmission and reception of data and prevent eavesdropping. It becomes possible to transmit information more safely by taking advantage of SSL.
※ SSLは情報を暗号化することで、盗聴防止やデータの改ざん防止送受信する機能のことです。SSLを利用する事でより安全に情報を送信する事が可能となります。
問い合わせはメールにて。halal@marre.co.jp までお願いいたします。Please contact us mail to; halal@marre.co.jp feel free with any questions.

In our shop, when you make a change in the privacy policy change other personal information to be collected, or change, of the purpose of use, it will be considered as published Omotte changes to this page.